Sunday, April 6, 2008

السيد خالد عبداللطيف الحمد يتحدث عن تأسيس البنك الوطني

صورة لاعضاء مجلس ادارة البنك الوطني يتوسطهم خالد الحمد 1985

التقطت هذه الصورة في الهند 1960 في منتجع بوي ليك و يبدو في الصورة من اليمين : الشيخ سالم الحمود - الشيخ يوسف العذبي -عيسى بن يوسف القناعي - الشيخ عبدالله الجابر - هاني القدومي - خالد الحمد - الشيخ خالد الاحمد - الشيخ عبدالله السالم - بدر الماجد

خالد الحمد مع الشيخ عبدالله السالم ف حديقة الحيوان في بومبي

في بومبي من اليمين : خالد الحمد - سمو الشيخ سعد العبدالله - عبدالرحمن البحر - فهد الدويري - مصطفى المرزوق - الشيخ يوسف العذبي

من اليمين : سيد رجب الرفاعي - خالد الحمد - عبدالصمد معرفي - عبدالرحمن البحر - عبدالعزيز الراشد

اجري اللقاء في منزله بالسالمية في الثاني من ديسمبر 1985 و قد كان يبلغ من العمر انذاك 103 سنوات

Saturday, March 29, 2008

violete dickson - om saud - rare tv interview in arabic

Violet Penelope Lucas-Calcraft was born in Gautby, Lincolnshire, England. Her father was Neville Lucas-Calcraft, a land agent. The 1900 census shows the family were living in Moat House, Gautby: the house was owned by Robert Charles de Gray Vyner, for whom Violet's father worked.

She met her husband Harold Dickson (1881 – 1959) in Marseilles, France, shortly after the end of World War I, where she was working in a bank. She travelled out to meet him in India, where he was stationed and where they were married. Shortly afterwards he was posted to Iraq.
Harold Dickson served as British Political Agent in Bahrain from 1919-1920.He also served in Persia (present-day Iran). In 1929 he was appointed British Political Agent to Kuwait, and served in this role until 1936. He briefly held this role again in 1941. Violet accompanied him on all these postings, and soon became fluent in Arabic. After his retirement from political service, Harold Dickson worked for the Kuwait Oil Company.

Violet Dickson was a keen botanist and published a book on the flora of Bahrain and Kuwait in 1955. She regularly sent wild flower collections to the botanic gardens at Kew Gardens in London, and the desert plant that she introduced to science, Horwoodia dicksoniae (known as khuzama in Arabic), was named in her honour.

She wrote her autobiography, Forty Years in Kuwait, at the urging of Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond series of books. He had travelled to Kuwait in 1960 to research and write a book for the Kuwait Oil Company, and Dame Violet was one of the people he interviewed. Fleming's book, titled State of Excitement, was never published as the Kuwait Oil Company 'did not care for its tone'Violet Dickson's book appeared 11 years after Fleming first suggested she should write it.
As the wife of a British government figure, Violet was expected to assist her husband in his duties, primarily at social functions and by accompanying him on some of his travels across the region. As a result, she came to know many of the rulers and dignitaries of the region, including King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud of Saudi Arabia, (who on one occasion presented her with an oryx, which became a pet), King Faisal of Iraq, four Kuwaiti rulers and many tribal sheikhs. She also dealt frequently with Western diplomats. This contact continued after the death of her husband, as her knowledge of Kuwait and the feuds and rivalries among the kingdom's 600-strong royal family made her an indispensable resource for British ambassadors and visiting diplomats. In 1976 Violet's 80th birthday party was a notable event for the British expatriate community in Kuwait.

Violet Dickson had a son Saud (who died in May 2005), and a daughter Zahra Freeth (née Dickson), who is also an author on Middle Eastern topics. Dame Violet was given the honorific title Umm Saud (Arabic: أم سعود meaning Mother of Saud), and was also known as Umm Kuwait - Mother of Kuwait. She was also given the honorific Hajjiyah, a term of respect meaning a female who has completed the Haj, the pilgrimage to Mecca. This is unusual, as non-Muslims are not allowed to perform the Haj.

Violet Dickson was made Member of the British Empire (MBE) in 1942, Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in 1964 and Dame Commander of the British Empire (DBE) in 1976. She was awarded the Lawrence of Arabia Memorial Medal awarded by the Royal Society for Asian Affairs, London (formerly the Royal Central Asian Society) in 1960, for her work among the Bedouin women of Arabia and her study of the flora and fauna of the desert.

The Dickson House Cultural Centre, Kuwait City

The British Political Agency in Kuwait was based in a house that had been built in 1870 for a Kuwaiti merchant. The Dicksons moved in to the house in 1929, and the building served as the British political agency until 1935. Harold Dickson continued to live there until his death in 1959, and Violet until the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in 1990, when she was evacuated, unwillingly, to Britain. She intended to return to her home in Kuwait City, but died on 4 January 1991, some eight weeks before the liberation of Kuwait on 27 February. She was 94.
The house was ransacked during the invasion, but has since been restored by the Kuwaiti National Council for Culture, Arts and Letters, and is now a tourist attraction. It is one of few surviving examples of 19th-century Kuwaiti architecture, with thirty rooms on two floors.

The Dame Violet Dickson Scholarship

The British Council in Kuwait offers the Dame Violet Dickson Scholarship to Kuwaiti women to encourage them to continue their postgraduate studies in the U.K. The scholarship is described as 'prestigious' and 'Kuwait's flagship award for women', reflecting the esteem in which Violet Dickson was held.

and now here is the the rare tv interview that was broadcasted on kuwait tv in 1964

here is a 36 years old magazine interview with the Aramco world magazine
november 1972

Thursday, March 13, 2008

خاتون حليمة

خاتون حليمة

هي الدكتورة اليانور كالفرلي أول طبيبة بالكويت حيث بدأ العمل بالطب النسائي فى الكويت مع قدومها و ذلك في العام 1912 و الدكتورة اليانور أميركية الجنسية، وسميت فيما بعد 'خاتون حليمة' حيث مارست عملها الطبي فى المستشفى الأمريكاني، وكانت تقوم بزيارات طبية للمنازل في حالة طلب اسرة المريضة ونجحت في اجراء بعض العمليات الجراحية وحالات الولادة المتعسرة، مما اكسبها شهرة وقبولا لدى النساء

و انجبت خاتون حليمة ثلاث بنات و هم اليزابيث و جريس و اليانور الصغيرة و قد اطلقت عليهم اسماء عربية كويتية خلال فترة اقامتهم في الكويت و هي على التوالي قماشة و نعيمة و نورة . اقامت اسرة خاتون حليمة في الكويت ما يقارب العشرين سنة من 1912 الى 1932

مستشفى الإرسالية الأول والذي أفتتح عام ١٩١٥

المركز الثاني للإرسالية و الذي تم الإنتهاء من إنشائه بمارس من عام ١٩١٧. أشرفت عائلة كالفرلي على العمل فيه وكان أول مستشفى للنساء

و الان اعرض لكم لقاءا نادرا اجراه السيد صالح الشهاب مع اليانور الصغيرة الشهيرة بنورة تتحدث فيه عن فترة طفولتها بالكويت حيث قدمت للكويت و قد كانت تبلغ من العمر بضعة اسابيع في العام 1916 و غادرتها و هي في الرابعة عشر من العمر سنة 1930 هذا و قد اجري اللقاء في العام 1985 و كانت هذه المرة الاولى التي تعود فيها نورة للكويت من 55 سنة

all the pictures are taken from kuwaiti demon

Friday, February 8, 2008

كويت الخمسينات بالالوان - الجزء الاول

سمو الامير الراحل الشيخ جابر الاحمد في مكتبه عندما كان محافظا للاحمدي في الخمسينات

صورة لساحة الصفاة و المنطقة التي حولها في عام 1959 و يبدو في يسار الصورة مبنى بلدية الكويت قبل اتمام البناء و في وسط الصورة يبدو خزان المياه

مجسم الكرة الارضية في ثانوية الشويخ 1959

سيارة اطفاء قديمة

عاملان كويتيان في شركة نفط الكويت

ارشيف الملفات في شركة نفط الكويت

غرفة التحكم في محطة الشويخ

حي من احياء الكويت القديمة

احد احياء منطقة شرق

المكتب الرئيسي القديم لشركة نفط الكويت

متدربون كويتيون يتلقون درسا باللغة الانجليزية

محطة وقود في اواخر الخمسينات

حديقة شركة نفط الكويت بالاحمدي
البوابة الداخلية لقصر دسمان

يوسف بن عيسى القناعي جالس في ديوانه و حوله مجموعة من رجالات الكويت في الماضي

طائرة تتزود بالوقود في مطار الكويت القديم سنة

قصر الشيخ عبدالله الجابر في بنيد القار في الخمسينات و ذلك قبل تشييد شارع الخليج العربي و قبل بناء فندق هيلتون و يبدو في اعلى المبني على اليمين المبنى الذي استأجرته السفارة الامريكية